Thursday, February 26, 2009

These are the Days of our Cold, Dead Lives

Sometimes when I'm bored at work, I think of a really ludicrous topic, and I make Jenna help me write a screenplay about it. This is an example of our work. The topic is "Paranormal investigators and their Soap Opera-esque lives." Please enjoy.


[The scene opens to reveal a sleeping couple, tangled in the sheets of their bed. The clock next to them reads 3:00am. The phone rings.]

Ryan: Hello?

Caller: Ryan, its Chip. We're having a paranormal emergency. I'm at your house looking for you right now! Where are you?

Ryan: Uhhh...uh, listen Chip. Never mind where I am. What's the emergency?

Chip: It's your stepbrother, Ryan, he's been...

Ryan: Chip, what are you talking about? My stepbrother has been dead for 10 years!

Chip: Ryan, he's back. He's been visiting me, in my home, and he's sworn a blood oath against you. You need to meet me at the Bayside Tavern in 15 minutes.

Ryan: I'll be there.


[Ryan sits alone at the bar of the Bayside Tavern. He is wearing a velvet jogging suit. He looks agitated as he dials a number on his phone.]

Ryan: Chip, it's Ryan. I've been waiting her for you for over an hour! Where are you? Call me!

[A police officer enters the bar and approaches Ryan.]

Police Officer: Mr. Buell, I'm afraid you're not going to be able to reach your friend Chip tonight.

Ryan: What? Why? What's wrong?

Police Officer: There's been an accident. Chip Coffey is at the Port Charles General Hospital, Ryan. And he's in a coma.

Ryan: [Covers his face with his hands and begins to sob.]

Police Officer: Sir, there's something you need to know. I came to find you tonight because Chip's last words before he fell unconscious were, "Tell Ryan to kill Eilfie before his brother kills him first."

Ryan: But that doesn't make any sense! Why would I kill Eilfie? She's a valuable member of my team, a close friend, and the mother of my child!

Police Officer: I don't know, Mr. Buell. But I do know this: A man's last words -- especially the words of an honorable, good man like Chip Coffey -- should never go unheeded.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Life, Love, and Other Mysteries

Just one more shining example of why former members of Point of Grace should not be allowed to have cameras/sell real estate/procreate/be seen in the light of day.

Thanks Mary, for sharing this with me.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Metals and Jewelry Design 101

The best thing about spending time at MassArt is that I regularly feel like the most normal person in the room. That is contrasted with my work environment, where even though I believe in my heart that I am normal, loveable, and otherwise fine, I get a lot of looks from my coworkers that indicate otherwise. So anyway, at school, no matter what kind of looks I get I just know that my classmates and I are not even using the same scale to measure normalcy, and on my scale, I have a PhD in the science of being a pretty average human being, and most of them have not passed pre-kindergarten.

To wit:

Jim, the studio monitor on Sunday afternoon, is a young gentleman of the long-haired persuasion who doodles feathered knives in his notebook whilst staring at me. When I arrived at the studio yesterday afternoon, the door was locked, but I could see him and another girl inside, so I jiggled the door handle and then locked eyes with Jim. I didn't think I needed to tell him what I wanted -- it seemed obvious that he should get off his butt and come unlock the door for me. Apparently he didn't understand that, or didn't want to bother, because it took a solid minute of my despairing eye contact and hand gestures to make him come open the door for me.

Amber, a helpful girl who is the least Amber-esque person I've ever met, taught me to anneal metal and use the rolling mill when my professor was too lazy to do so himself. On the evening of our first class, Amber was wearing a hat that looked a little like something that Judy Dench would wear on a rainy London afternoon. It was mauve, and decorated with artificial flowers. I didn't notice her outfit on the evening of the 2nd class, and I skipped the 3rd, but on the 4th she was helping me to catch up on what I'd missed, and she was wearing a Tinkerbell sweatshirt. (To most of you gentle readers out there, these two fashion choices should give you a really solid idea of what her personality is like, and you are CORRECT.) She's basically a homeschooler who studied library science in undergrad and then got a job at a bookstore when she graduated, and is exactly the kind of person that I like to think I have nothing in common with, but if I'm honest with myself I have to admit that we are kind of similar in some ways, and I do like her a lot.

Liz, an aging Alice in Chains enthusiast, drug user, and possible schizophrenic. In all honesty, the only facts from the first sentence are that her name is Liz, and that she is aging. The other attributes just seem to be true and fit with her general persona. In our first class, Liz told us that she just gave up a career in "extremely high-end fashion" to pursue other avenues, and that for now she's living off her alimony. AKA...she got fired. Nice. So, last week, Liz and I are sitting at desks back-to-back and she turns to me and says, "Hey, can I grab my Jesus?" and points at a necklace hanging from my lamp. I say, "Oh sure, I didn't realize that was yours..." to which she replies, "Oh it's not. I saw it there last week, and then it came to me in a vision that I needed to use it in this project." She just drops the "I have visions" bomb like it's nothing! Then later, while my back is turned, I hear her say to another classmate, "Oh it was easy, I just got some fish heads, and then I boiled them." At this point, I search my bag frantically for my phone and begin emailing myself notes of what she's saying, because I can't risk forgetting this. Then, the professor calls us over for a demonstration, and it was a very hard time for me. I was straining my brain to remember three things in detail: 1) how to make rivets (which is what he was demonstrating); 2) what Liz said about drill bits and virginity; 3) what Liz said about Alec Baldwin. Well, rivets suck and I shouldn't have wasted my brain cells holding onto that information. However, when Liz told us, "I broke my first drill bit today. I feel like it was my virginity. The curse is over, you know?" my brain drank it in like lifeblood. This is what I live for. And THEN, Liz points to a picture of Alec Baldwin that one of the metals majors has on her desk, and she asks, "Who's that?" One of the other girls replies, "That's Alec Baldwin. He's in 30 Rock?" Liz pauses for a thoughtful second, and says, "Is he someone's boyfriend?"

Girl whose name I don't know, who helped me with the drill yesterday. She was in the studio working, but is in a different class. I had to ask for help setting up the drill, and she very kindly helped me set it up, gave me advice, and articulately explained everything I needed to know, all while sporting: a buzz cut, complimented by long bangs; a Brokeback Mountain t-shirt; a red lump on her eyelid; and the longest, scariest fingernails I've ever seen.

I could go on...but this post is getting out of control. Instead, I'll leave you with this:

Friday, February 20, 2009


The funny thing is, you could cross out "Age 12" and replace it with "Age 23" and these would still be semi-accurate.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How's ya Nips?

I had a fantastic lunch break today. It's pretty warm outside -- about 40 degrees -- so I decided to take a walk. I ended up downtown, where I visited two places.

First, CVS. There, I purchased three things: Nips, a Valentine's Day card, and a facial masque.

The word "nips" can refer to three things that I really like, and one thing that I feel kind of "whatever" about.

Nips that I like:
1. Coffee-flavored hard candies. (This is the kind of Nips I bought at CVS today.)
2. Little bottles of alcohol. (Good for consuming at Gordon College functions.)
3. Gentle bites. ("The kitten is nipping at my hand with her little teeth!")

Nips that I feel "whatever" about:
1. Nipples. (Whatever.)

This is a photograph of the VDay card I purchased. Classy.

This is a photograph of the masque I purchased. I hope that somehow, within this little pouch, they have included those garnishes for my eyes. Because, if they didn't, I'm going to have to garnish myself with banana peels, and that seems gross.

The other place I visited was the Cornerstone Used Bookstore. I love books, and especially used ones, but this was unlike any bookstore I've ever seen. They had so many sections! Like, a normal bookstore would have sections labeled Fiction, Children's Literature, Self-Help, etc., but this place took the idea of sections to a whole new level. There were shelves labeled Jewish Cuisine, Cats, Books about Cooking (this was separate, but located close to, the section called Cookbooks), New England Artists, and the best section of all... THE OCCULT!

Please notice in the photo above that apparently, bunny rabbits who give thumbs-ups aren't the gentle friends you might have thought. I don't know what this book is about, but I have a feeling it is very frightening.

Anyway...back to work. I wish my lunch break lasted all day...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A lifetime of wandering has brought me to this.

Sometimes I like to do secret things on the internets. (Blogging, dating, stalking...I could go on.)

Sometimes those secret things lead me to discoveries that I can't keep secret. (Crushes mostly, but also the following ad.)

I don't understand this. This ad purports to be about PC viruses. So what is this centipedes/vagina thing about?? I don't want to think about centipedes in my vagina, unless said centipede is handsome and/or rich, in which case...we'll talk.

blog entry #1

Signs that my blog is not off to a good start:
a) I have no plans for writing about anything;
b) Mary Griffenhagen is my only reader (readeress?);
c) I had a really hard time finding a free, usable computer in the MassArt library to write this.

Signs that my blog is off to an OK start:
a) The internet address "" was, by some miracle, not already taken;
b) When I finally found a computer that would work, the previous user had left a Word document open with this inside:








All in all, its hard to say whether the Lord is for me or against me on this one.

Today I was thinking about the miracle of technology that is the iPhone, which has literally changed the way I am able to take pictures of strangers on the T. It has literally changed it. Actually it hasn't changed it at all. I was going to say, "Now when I see a fancy lady mullet, all I have to do is pretend to be texting and I can snap a quick pic!" But then I remembered that I was able to do that on my previous cell phones as well. Whatever. See below:

AAAAnnddd I took a pic of these firm buttocks: (Hard to see because of the glare, but those juicy peaches are worth a squint.)

Every day is a new opportunity to see retarded things and snap pictures of them. I can hardly wait.